Basic Harmony And Musicianship is the easiest,
least expensive and very best book you can buy
for Music Harmony and Musicianship. This text is
essential for those who want to master music. It
will sharpen your skills while perfecting your
understanding of the tools and elements of
music. It unlocks the artistry and techniques of
some of the world’s greatest musicians and
answers all your questions about 2, 3, and 4
part harmony, chords, progressions, musical form
and more. Clearly. Precisely. Easily.
Basic Harmony And Musicianship is Special because it includes an exclusive method developed by the author of his own unique Functional V7 -I System that allows anyone to learn all their chords and develop the ability to reduce almost all progressions to just two simple chords - on sight! This rare insight is revealed; and it is combined with a single technique that can be played on the piano, keyboard or guitar by anyone. Knowledge of this kind alone is worth more than the entire value of most music textbooks. Basic Harmony And Musicianship will guide you to your goal of first-class musicianship and make your study of music enjoyable. To be sure, Basic Harmony And Musicianship is an easy to read book about the nature of music. It is the next step to take for anyone who has been trained with the rudiments of music but wants to become a master of the
Basic Harmony and
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